13 Aralık 2008 Cumartesi

Archaeological Museum (Arkeoloji Müzesi), Izmir

The Archaeological Museum of Izmir exhibits an impressive collection of ancient and Roman artifacts recovered from area excavations, including Bergama, Iasos, Bayrakli (Izmir's original settlement), and Izmir's Agora.
A service path leads you to the gate of the museum grounds, which are full of wondrously oversize amphoras dating to the Hellenistic period, and columns and capitals arranged around the gardens as impromptu seating.
The barren lobby contains a helpful map of Turkey indicating which regions belonged to which kingdoms -- a must for understanding the historic evolution of the country and for appreciating the artifacts presented in this and other exhibits.
Upstairs is a chronological exhibit of pottery, ceramics, and glass, as well as funerary objects and the reconstruction of a 3rd-millennium-B.C. tomb. Larger stone and marble statues take up the lower floor, including statues of Poseidon, Demeter, and Artemis taken from the altar of Zeus in the Agora, and a river god that ornamented a fountain at Ephesus.

İzmir -Smyrna-Turkey

İzmir -Smyrna-Turkey

От бюрека до кадън-гьобека

Турция има шествековна кулинарна култура
Патладжаните навлязоха в стихията си. Навсякъде са - тъмни, лъскави и елегантни, наредени един до друг като пред тържество. Малко известен факт е, че този благороден зеленчук всъщност е плод. На Изток и на много места по Средиземноморието го поднасят като десерт - изпържен и обилно полят с мед. Но има едно място, където той представлява гръбнакът на вековна кухня: това място също се слави и с 40-те си начина да го приготви: става дума, разбира се, за Турция.Цяло щастие е, че не само думите, но и ястия като ашуре, айрян, бюрек, кадаиф, кавърма, кюфте, локум, пастърма, сърма, суджук, шиш, юфка, гювеч - всички те са наследени и от българската кухня.Първото, което отличава турската кухня е разнообразието: тя не може да бъде обобщена с една дума, която да й е емблема, както е например пастата за Италия или сосът за Франция. В нея има много изобретателност: чие ли е било хрумването да вземеш къс зелево листо, да го напълниш с ориз, кедрови ядки, стафиди и подправки, да го завиеш и така на бял свят да се явят сърмите? Изобретателност има и в десертите, разбира се, и особено в имената им: тюрбанки, султанки, кадънки, сарайки, или кадън-гьобек - онази кръгла масленка с фъстъче в центъра й, която напомня за белите и пухкави кореми на ориенталските танцьорки.Да не забравяме още, че това е една шествековна кулинарна култура, създадена от наследството на стотици готвачи в султанските дворци, които още в онези древни времена били специализирани в приготвяне на супи, кебапи, риби, хляб или десерти. Кухните им не само били няколко огромни отделни здания, но били институции със сложни правила на организацията на труда, на отношения с гилдиите на рибарите, месарите, хлебарите и всякакви снабдители. Да прибавим и строгия контрол над търговията и качеството. Красотата на турската кухня е в пресните продукти, семплите готварски техники и в начина на поднасяне: нейните ястия са открити, това са напълно "разкрити" блюда, без маскировката на сосове и излишни изненади.Само един ден в Истанбул е нужен да се усети всичко това.Тези, които са били, вече са го правили, на останалите им предстои: За сутринта е достатъчен горещ бюрек със студен айрян, после на пристанището опитайте само една долма мидие - мида, пълна с оризов пълнеж на скара, после следва шкембе в специалните старинни салони - там му е мястото на този деликатес. Обяд - само един пилаф стига. Следобед идва ред на изтягане в някоя чайна в двор под тежките сенки на дърветата. За да се докоснете до истината в тези храмове на мълчанието и размисъла, заедно с ябълковия чай, поднесен в изящна стъклена чашка с формата на лале, трябва да си поръчате и наргиле. Следва кратка разходка из сокаците и пазара с плодове, зеленчуци и подправки, където може да опитвате каквото ви се прииска на душата - това ще се приеме като проявен интерес. На свечеряване, когато над Златния рог се стеле слънчева мъглица, или поне така може да ви се стори, хлътнете в истанбулските потайности, каквито са покритите чаршии и пасажите. Там ви очакват мезетата - печени патладжани, мариновани чушки и кервиз, хамсийки, маслинки, сардини в лозови листа, агнешки кюфтенца, домати, стреснати в малко зехтин, поднесени, или по-скоро нарисувани на подноса. Като за край - праскови в сироп, ядки и локум - или турската наслада, както го наричат в западния свят.Накрая си представете, че сте извършили това, което турските султани ежедневно правели, докато траела империята им. А тя просъществувала не малко - от 1299 до 1922...Имам баялдъ Един имам толкова много ял от това чудно ястие, че накрая взел, че баялдисал. Има и друга легенда - случило се имамът да бъде много стиснат и като разбрал колко много зехтин е отишъл само за едно ядене, му призляло. Във всеки случай това е един от 40-те начина да се сготви патладжанът...Вижте колко семпло, лесно и в крайна сметка вкусно: след като ги осолите добре и подсушите, цепнете патладжаните на две по дължината им. Напълнете ги с това, което вече е готово в тигана: нежно задушените лук, чесън и домати, които вече са придобили златист цвят в зехтина. Сигурно има и 40 различни пропорции за това ястие, но знакът за хубавата имам баялдъ е, че всичко в нея трябва да се отделя, да бъде леко хрупкаво в този сбор. Ако вместо това се е превърнало в каша - нещо не се е случило както трябва. Но ако я приготвите с внимание и любов, по никакъв начин няма да ви се случи.Не мога да си представя нещо по-подходящо и вкусно от една имам баялдъ за един спокоен и протяжен септемврийски обяд!

cross stitch-shema

Disney latch hook ,kilimi,paspas-


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Adora -golf resort hotel

About Adora
We are happy to host our esteemed guests in belek famous with its nature, magnificent flora and unique bird kinds. Adora is at belek touristic center and 5 km to Kadriye town, 12 km to Serik, 39 km to Antalya city center and 29 km to the airport. Adora reflects comfort and peace and quite in all 500 rooms. There are minibar, satellite tv, central heating & cooling system, safe box, direct telephone, bathroom, bathtub and toilet in 260 rooms situated in the 2 hotel buildings. You may find the same comfort (shower, toilet) of the hotel building as well as in 240 club rooms in dublex style situated in the garden. Adora hosts their guests in summer and winter with indoor and outdoor pools. Slide that children and adults adore to use is available in our outdoor pool. We have a private beach on the beach of belek with its high quality sand which lies for kilometers where you may rest and sunbath. In the magnificent ambiance of adora you will feel rejuvenated by the help of outdoor pool, sauna, jacuzzi, bali massage, massage, steam bath and turkish bath.


Antalya Golf
The Sultan and The Pasha The courses, designed by leading architects European Golf Design, together with design consultant and Senior Tour professional David Jones, provide not only a challenge to golfers of all abilities but also wonderful surroundings in which to enjoy your game. The playing surfaces, second to none in their quality, stunning landscapes and perfect weather all combine for an unforgettable golfing experience. Pasha Course 18 Holes, Par 72, 5731 metres At an inviting 5731 metres You may think that The Pasha would be a walk in the woods, but don't fooled by the scenery! The Pasha will test the skills of high and low handicappers alike with a combination of different challenges. Tricky dog legs, cleverly placed bunkers and undulating greens will ensure that the more experienced golfer must think over each shot carefully.

12 Aralık 2008 Cuma

women wine

Too many choices. Too little time. It's something that all of us feel when we enter a big wine store with boxes and crates piled to the ceiling.Our store is different. You feel it the moment you enter and are greeted by our staff. You think that you've stumbled into a shop in the Marais in Paris or the West Village in New York.We carry a small inventory of hand selected wines from wine makers we love. We try to meet each of them, learn their story and share it with you.Because we all know that wine is about a person, a place - that's what's in the bottle and in our glass. And that connection is what makes it so much fun to try and explore new varietals, new regions - or to find a 'new favorite'.At the Wine Valet, we strive to meet and get to know each customer. We remember what you bought and buy with you in mind. We can also find wines that you're looking for - or want to discover.This shop is for you. And we're delighted to tell you that we're here.


109 Eucalyptus
Apartment in San Francisco, California, USA

SİMPSON HOTELS-Boutique Hotel Sydney

Located one mile from the Sydney CBD, the building was erected in 1892 and is very relevant to the English Queen Anne style and Arts and Crafts Movement of that period, typified by its many nooks and crannies, and use of red brick and moulded timber as distinct features. It was designed by renowned Victorian Architect John Bede Barlow, who also designed similar houses, ‘Keadue’ in nearby Elizabeth Bay Road and ‘St Kevins’ in Queen Street, Woollahra at the same time, as well as "St Canice's" Catholic Church in Elizabeth Bay. The other Barlow houses are still standing in excellent condition.Simpsons was originally known as ‘Killountan’ and actually consists of two adjoining buildings – the main house at the front and a servants’ wing at the rear. The rear wing originally had kitchens and service areas on the ground floor and staff rooms on the first floor above with an internal servants staircase, no longer in existence. Photos of the original owners can be seen in the front sitting room, together with pictures of the property taken about 1900.
During the 1920’s the property was divided into six apartments. The internal grand staircase was removed and access to the first floor obtained by an external concrete staircase crammed onto one side of the building. Many internal hallway arches were bricked in, and many of the original mouldings destroyed. The original entrance porch was removed and replaced by a bathroom. Fortunately most of the original stained glass windows survived intact and undamaged.

The Restoration
1987 saw the start of a new era for the property, as a year's restoration was commenced with the approval of the State Heritage Council. The unsympathetic additions of the 1920’s and a 1950’s garage were demolished. The wooden columns of the original entrance were located and the entrance porch was recreated as it was originally, using contemporary photos. A new internal staircase in heritage style was installed. Missing mouldings were replaced, and a whole new floor was constructed in the attic in an identical manner to that of its sister property at Woollahra. New features such as the en-suite bathrooms were added without spoiling the style of the original building, and the décor is a reflection of Australian motifs of the 1890’s. The rooms and halls feature paintings of Australian flora painted by noted artist Ellis Rowan during the late 1800’s.
The conservatory at the rear of the building was erected from the former rear garden. The property is listed by the National Trust of Australia as a Heritage building, and is the one of the very few privately owned, free-standing mansions of its era in the Potts Point area .

John Bede Barlow was an important turn of the century Australian architect. In 1893 his name appeared internationally in the “Annual Architectural Review”, along with an illustration of “Killountan” (now "Simpsons of Potts Point"). The first mention of the property can be found in the June 1893 edition of "Australian Builders and Contractors News" and it features in the contemporary publication "Beautiful Homes of Australia in the Edwardian Age".Design and construction techniques employed by Barlow, including cavity wall construction and an open plan interior, are now recognised as being avant-garde for that period. Barlow was noted for his revolt against Victorian ornamentation. Barlow pleaded for intelligent use of colour and light in architecture, pointing out that natural materials are colourful and interesting. Victorian suburbia gave him “…indigestion, with it’s interminable rows of terraces with their hideous iron balconies and preposterous parapets … pitiful in their vulgarity, dispiriting, dyspeptic, hopeless”.
“Killountan” proved Barlow’s belief that beauty and grace can be accomplished in a building through intelligent use of natural materials and light without having to resort to gaudy ornamentation. Barlow designed the house for his cousin, The Hon John Lane Mullins MA MLC, solicitor, and treasurer of the Roman Catholic Church, and patron of the burgeoning arts and crafts movement at the time. The interior of the building was influenced by this movement which stressed the beauty of native flora and fauna, and the present owners have restored the interior in the same spirit.

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